Monday, May 13, 2013


The door has closed, the ship has sailed. It was a good two years with a shitty ending. I'm now over my ex.

I think about her less and less, but considering so many things in my room have some memory of her (my bed, for example. I can't get rid of my bed), I can't totally force her memory out. Just the thought that she's still out there passes my mind; nothing more.

The good news is, no more arguments, whining, guilt, or petty annoyances on a daily basis from her. Those sorts of things I have easily forgotten and am loving to have without. And no more 2+ hour conversations at night means more me time, and I've really enjoyed and benefited from that! Homework, projects, watching more educational videos (science, cars, history, etc), and browsing the web can be done sooner, and more of.
     Supposedly, you know what it's like to have more free time. That kind of "wasted" time, but it's really more of a "catch-up" time. Catch up on things I haven't spent enough time on before, or start new things. This isn't the most free time I've ever had (that would be during my semester off after high school), but I am rediscovering more "me" time.
     I guess it's the time to re-evaluate yourself after a break-up. It's only now that I made up the concept, but subconsciously I've done it all along (don't we all?)
     I feel like a better, freer person now. The person I want to be without having a dependent I need to compromise for. I'm also not out in the field looking for another special someone, not even a fling, and certainly not a replacement.

I have my own life to look forward to. It's also a good time to build and rebuild friendships, which is what I'm working on now.

Yes, I would like to have another wonderful girlfriend in the future. I don't know how far into the future. I keep my eyes open for the right opportunity. It could be soon, could be far away. Basically, all I'm saying is, all I'm telling myself is, I'm single. And already, I feel better about it.

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