Sunday, June 2, 2013

Thoughts on Judgement

Something I need to get off my chest about the general public.

I do support and am in favor of gay marriage, rights, and equality. So on and so forth. Gay people don't bother me, I don't bother them, etc. They don't cause me to be any less of a man. I have no reason to say they can't be happy together. I won't hold a sign or go to a parade, but that's because I won't hold a sign for anything, really...
     The only problem I have, and I think I speak for others, is that in regards to the opposite sex. I can't be absolutely certain that a girl isn't gay. And I fear that she can't be certain that I am not gay. I'm not, but I'm not the most masculine man out there. But just because I share similarities as a gay dude, that doesn't mean I'm gay. In fact, I share similarities with athletes, computer nerds, game designers, car guys, literary scholars, hobos, and vegetables (just wondering if you were reading). I presume gay people also share similar and different characteristics as those types of people as well. But that doesn't make them less gay or me gay at all. It's just commonalities. I could even say, it's just being human.

I think that's what many other people think about gay people. I can't be sure, but it seems reasonable.

I could be totally wrong too. I could be the only one that thinks this. You may think I hate gay people. I don't, but I can't stop you from thinking that. I can't stop you from thinking I'm a total idiot, so go right ahead. I just wanted to share my opinion. You didn't have to read this.

     I basically want to say that I'm not gay, despite some of the things I do. I am comfortable with myself, but I feel like I need to project more masculine qualities. I should, I will. I want to, and will within my lifetime, exert the qualities that define a man; this applies to character, charisma, relationships, charm, attire, fitness, wisdom, and what I personally value the most, respect.

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