This is a totally random topic.
I'm not looking for scientific reasoning or detailed explanations; these are more of rhetorical questions.
Why do we sit?
Some time ago, I remember reading an article about how when we sit, our body/spine is taking on weight in a way it wasn't supposed to. When we stand, our torso is suited nicely over the pelvis (I'm no expert, anatomy grosses me out). But when we sit, all the muscles that help support the torso are now at rest(?) which puts more strain on other parts.
Getting to the point, the article was showcasing a new development in office chair design that properly supports the back--it embraced the notion of reclining, where your back is sloped so the weight is distributed more evenly.
So I'm thinking, yeah, perfect! I hate trying to sit up straight and inevitably slouch in my stupid uncomfortable school chairs.
I didn't finish the article, so you could say I only read half the story. Plus this was a while ago, so my retelling of the article is marginally, at best, accurate.
Coincidentally, however, I'm laying, or reclining in my bed as I write this. I'm pretty comfortable.
The reason I bring this up is because my back was hurting after sitting in a car driving through traffic for two hours. I don't normally do that, it was for a favor, although I knew traffic was inevitable (I live in LA-drove both ways on the 110 and 405-the epitome of congestion on freeways during (the hilariously named) "rush hour"). And just because I said I don't do it often doesn't mean I haven't done it a hundred times before.
My final question, and literally the purpose of me writing all this, is
Why don't car makers invest more into better stock seats?
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