Friday, March 8, 2013

Hit A Car and Made A Doc

Today I accidentally but very slightly rear-ended another car.

Let me start of by saying, it's a fucking BUMPER.  Let that thing take hits, that's what it's there for. Now I do understand it best serves its purpose at speeds greater than 5mph, but hey, it's okay if the bumper isn't immaculate.

Having said that, no one was hurt. Like I said, a mere 5mph (estimated). It was slow moving traffic to begin with but I wasn't paying attention when the person stopped in front of me. Yes it's completely my fault, I accept that. It ended up being a small dent in the bumper, caused by my car's license plate. Plus a few scuffs. So we exchanged info and now I'm waiting for an estimate for what she decides to do about having it repaired.

I only have $1500 going towards a car of my own. (I was driving my mom's van, I don't have my own car.) That's not a lot of money in the bank. Plus I barely have an income as it is, whereas left and right, my friends are being given cars by their parents. I don't live in that luxury. But I'm looking at cars around $5000, so I'm not totally reaching for the stars, you know?
     I really hope the lady doesn't ask for a completely new bumper and the best installation service. I don't have $2000 to pay for that. :(
     It's one small bump and a few white marks on a tan car. I don't think I should be penalized too severely for a small mistake. I'm sorry for the fender bender, I really am.

Luckily, I have good news to report too. I finished a film project that I started two years ago. It is a documentary about schools and education and the system and so on. Teacher, students, counselors, and the principal were interviewed, and all gave very good answers (partly due to my very good questions). I created it because it was meant for my final project of my TV class in senior year, which was two years ago. It's also the same class I teach now. I turned in about 20 minutes because that's what I was capable of editing in one night's time (yay procrastination!). I continued some more afterwards, considering I had a lot of unused footage left; 9 interviews X 1 hour each = 9 hours to be edited. Considering I had to rewatch everything multiple times in order to put the pieces in the right order, you can imagine it took a very long time.
     But a whole two years? No, not actually. I stopped after I had a collection of ideas that didn't fit with anything else. So I was like, "Well, I don't know what to do." Poof, no longer a priority. Maybe twice, did I attempt to tackle it again, with little success.
     That doesn't mean I forgot about it though. Recently, I said to myself, "Just publish what you have." So I tried, but miraculously I kept editing. Pieces started to fit together and as long as I sat here working on it, it got done.
     It has amounted to an hour-long documentary. I fear that most people won't have the patience to sit through it, for several reasons: Short attention spans is the biggest one, and it's not visually entertaining. It's nine people sitting and talking. But they're saying really interesting things! So I guess if you're not interested enough in hearing what these people say, then I don't really find you to be an interesting (more like, a very intelligent) person.

Prove me wrong, watch it. Leave a comment.

But of course, you certainly don't have to watch it, I wouldn't know the difference anyway.

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