Sunday, September 30, 2012

Picture Updates

Yes, I realize I need to post a healthy supply of pictures to keep some people happy.
Huzzah, me.

Huzzah, a metal shelf.
The story behind these are as follows:
     Bla bla bla, I got some plastic mirrors. Free. There are two things that can be done with them. First, my idea: At the end of a hallway, they approach the set of two mirrors (first pic). The idea is, it makes the hallway look longer, and they might scare themselves by going like, oh wait! That's me!
     It's a fairly simple idea, no? Plus as you can tell, the plastic mirrors are fairly distorted. The second pic is my idea of supporting those heavy things.
     My mom's idea was to use this steel shelving unit my dad brought home one day with the intention of filling with his stuff, but hasn't. So after building my set-up of the two mirrors, I took it apart and attached one to this unit. I added a mini strobe light (the white light). The cord you see is another story.
     The purpose of having the mirror set back in this shelf is to drape a curtain in front, and in front of  or on that, say, "Open to witness the scariest monster alive!" Do you understand the gag?
     Each set-up serves a different purpose, the first meant to give a more subtle eerie feeling, the second as a knee-slapper gag.

In other news...
The first one was a scan. It was crap. This is a photo. Much more realistic.
 My map/plan has been added to. The graveyard has purposely been left untouched because I don't know what will go where, in regards to what we currently have, and what we might get/make.
     Huzzah, pictures.

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