Sunday, October 13, 2013


The most attractive thing you can find in a woman is her personality.
The most attractive thing you can find in a man is his values.

It came from the internet, credit unknown.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Don't Save

Cute. Unfortunately I don't know to whom to credit this.


I don't know what motivates most teachers to become the authority on a topic, but I know what mine is: to educate for the purpose of sharing my skill sets, expanding the minds of others, developing stronger mental capabilities, spreading culture, and encourage an interest to pursue the topic on their own.
     The last point is, I find, the most important. That's where the true learning happens. Students who hold an interest to learn more than the material that is presented in class are the ones who succeed in the subject. This isn't about grades. This is about understanding and enjoying the material.
    Many teachers fail miserably at this. You remember them as being bad teachers. They did not "reach" you, get through to you to the point that what they wanted to teach was important enough for you to retain.
     Some teachers neither unsucceed nor succeed. They leave a neutral impression in which you understood the material, but didn't develop a passion to learn more. This is acceptable. No one will ever be interested in all topics taught in school.
     But those who leave a sour taste in your mouth, those who slow down the clock, classes that you're dying to get out of, the moment you exit you feel rejuvenated; why? Why do these people want to stand in front of a class of innocent minds?
     In no way do I want to suggest these teachers are bad people. No, not at all. They are simply people who lack the skill to persuade their passion for the subject. They do not encourage me to learn more. They do not even acclaim the material, assuming that because they know it, I will understand it as well as they already do.
     This is infuriating. Just because they recite a PowerPoint, doesn't mean the point has been conveyed. I can read the book on my own. I come to class to learn what isn't in the book. I want then to answer my questions with explanations that differ from textbook and internet material. I want to hear what sophisticated knowledge can be told using language I understand.
Miss physics teacher, you're a nice lady, but you suck at teaching. 

ps - I love when you give the class a problem, give us two minutes to solve, and no one has any idea, let alone an answer, when you ask for one. Makes you look like a fool.